Sabtu, Mei 29, 2010

Prince of Persia for Saturday Night

Why I hate long weekend :
1, Hanging out spot OVER CROWDED!!
2. Bandung penuh plat B
3. Bandung jadi penuh
4. Bandung macet total!!!

RRRGGGHHH,,, bayangin ajaaa,,, dari rumah itu ya jam 11.30, kita pergi tanpa lewat tol dengan pertimbangan keluar pintu Pasteur bakalan sepanjang usus manusia direntangkan (buset kedokteran amat -_-"). Dan jerengjengjeeeeeng baru sampe Mall paling hip di Bandung yang penuh anak anak gaol gela dengan gaya dress to kill (rok mini, kemeja longgar, atau platform heels) berinisial P.V.J pada pukul 2.30 siang. WHAT THE ALAKAZAMMM,,, -_-a

But the movie we just watched is worth for a traffic war. The story is nice, the action make us thrilled, and most importantly : JAKE GYLLENHALL IS HOT!! @_@

Anyway,,, I'm playing with my bag, bought when I'm in Jeddah last month ;)
Iya iyaa,,, some people said it's great =P, but some said it's too much because of it's size. But I LOVE IT!! Especially the multicolour bling blings!!
And yeah!! My new rings from Little Lulla is coming!! Thanks!! (Yang kanan ya bou yang pink, kalo yang item mah nemu aje gitu dari lemari si Mamah,,, heheyy)

Have a nice long weekend everyone!!

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